
Cunnamulla Mural

In the last week of Feb 2019 DYA in collaboration with BSAF, headed to Cunnamulla to collaborate and create with students on creating a mural that reflects upon the traditional land that Cunnamulla sits on.

The completed piece was titled "Community Connections": a reflection on the past, present and future of Cunnamulla through the eyes of Indigenous young people. The mural captures their ideas of community and country.

"The landscape is a vision of ancestral connection and how our future could be. Animals local to the area are depicted throughout the work and placed within the context of the importance of water. This has been further highlighted by the serpent in the water body; giving and taking life. Hand prints have been placed on the land to show how the community in Cunnamulla continues to work together. The present needs to consider the past to create the best possible future." - Mural Plaque

Cunnamulla was another rewarding experience through which DYA artists had the opportunity to learn the stories of the Cunnamulla community and share their own artistic knowledge with local youth.